Thanks for checking these out! I do commissions for still pieces and short animations! My still commissions are in a separate carrd, linked below. =3
IMPORTANT NOTE: AMV commissions are currently CLOSED! I will be tentative with any PMV commissions as well and will probably stick to simpler ones, sorry!
My discord handle is @therealheroofhyrule (formerly @LmaoMeowz#1260) if you'd like to commission me or get in contact with me for another reason! Please make sure to include that you're asking about my commissions in the message, if you don't (and we don't share any servers) then I'll probably ignore you just as a precaution against scam bots.
If you don't have the money for one, sharing my commissions around would be super helpful!! You could link them to a server you're in or just send them to a friend who's looking to commission someone. =]
Thank you so much for reading!! Hope you have a good day ^w^


🐾 !! RULES !! 🐾

> NO NSFW!! I will not draw it, do not send me references that have it. I'm a minor!! I also will not draw fetish art as it makes me uncomfortable. Suggestive stuff is ok, but nothing weird and NOTHING explicit. (This means nudity and similar! Blood/gore is ok as long as it isnt too realistic, and foul language/other types of "nsfw" content aren't included in this rule.)
> I feel like I shouldn't have to say this, but just in case: BE POLITE. Don't be rude to me! I'm human too and I am worthy & deserving of respect. Have basic human decency and give it to me.
Please be patient with me if I misunderstand something: I often have difficulty with things like communication (I don't wanna say it's because of my autism, but let's be real, it's my autism) but I do try my best!!
> I will NOT draw hate art or art referencing serious topics. (Xenophobic art, political art [including countryhumans, which violate other rules on this list as well], targeted violence, ect.) These will most likely get you blocked!! Just don't be a b🐱tch!!
> I draw character art! I will not take commissions for environmental art or anything focusing on backgrounds. I prefer not to draw them at all as they're difficult and tedious for me. I will draw most object OCs (i love most of them and think theyre really cool!) but they're kind of toeing the line.
> Related to the previous rule, i only draw OCs!! I do not do fanart/fandom content commissions. (This doesn't include self inserts-- If it's your own character that you made, I'll draw it! However, i won't, say. draw them with the canon characters. It also does not include characters based off of/inspired by canon characters.)
> I don't do robot/mech characters, sorry! (This does not include characters like protogens, tv-head characters, ect)
> I'm not very good at drawing extremely overweight characters!! (This doesnt mean chubby ones!! I can draw a variety of body types, but extremely overweight characters [to the point it starts getting unrealistic] are off the table. Sorry!)
I will make small exceptions for some PMVs and for simple gifs, but for the most part I won't be doing complex designs.
Here are some examples of allowed designs vs complex designs.
If you're unsure, please ask me about your design!!

🐾 Disclaimer 🐾

Furthermore, if I decide not to take your commission, I do not have to provide a reason or justify my refusal. I don't have to do whatever you want me to. Even if your commission doesn't violate any rules, I may simply not be feeling up to it. Please don't try to force me to do it!!
That being said, if my carrd says my commissions are open, I probably won't decline your commission unless it is against my TOS. =)
> Be clear about what you want!! I can't read your mind and I don't know what you want. If you don't tell me, chances are the commission won't turn out how you'd like it too. Provide as much detail as you can in the clearest way you can and make sure to correct me (POLITELY) if i get something wrong!! If i send a WIP and something is wrong, let me know what it is and how to fix it!!
> Please don't rush me!! If you try to rush me, it's not only mean but very stressful for me which causes my art's quality to suffer along with my mental health, meaning your commission won't turn out as well as it could have. It also pretty much guarantees that I won't allow you to commission me again. I don't want to work with people who are unpleasant for me to work with!
I understand if it's a birthday gift or something, but if it's something like that then please try to give me adequate time instead of trying to commission it right before it needs to be done!
If you'd like an update, ask for a WIP! You can ask for one as often as once a week and I'll try my best to deliver. Please don't be angry if I haven't made much progress; sometimes I'll get stuck in a rut for a short time or I'll be busy irl. Even when this happens, I try my best to work on my commissions as it is my responsibility to finish it for the buyer! Just try to be patient and hopefully it'll be worth the wait =]
> Animations take a LOT more time than a still commission does-- usually upwards of a month or more. Don't expect me to finish in a couple weeks; animating is very difficult and time consuming to get right, especially if you want a finished product. Once again, be patient!

Species I Won't Animate
Most reptiles (not including raptors, some other dinosaurs, or dragons,) amphibians, fish, humans, most primates
Species I'm Best At
Felines, wolf-/coyote-/fox-like canines, dragons (specifically WOF style dragons!)
Things I'm Best At / Enjoy Drawing
Fur, gore/blood, tails, pride art, animals (feral or anthro), color palleted art
This is nowhere NEAR an expansive list-- if your character doesn't fall into any of these species categories, just ask me whether they'd be allowed ^^ I love drawing original species and cool new kinds of characters and chances are I'll try my best =]

🐾 Payment 🐾

I take payment through PayPal! At the moment i don't have any other ways of taking money.
You can:
- Pay the full price after confirmation of commission,
- Full price after receiving a video WIP or preveiw,
- Or half of the price after confirmation and half after seeing a video WIP!
Do NOT pay before I confirm I'll be doing your commission!! If I don't accept the commission I will NOT be refunding you. Sending payment does not mean I'm obligated to do your commission.
If, after agreeing to take it, I am unable to finish your commission for any reason, I will give you a full refund!! I typically will not take commissions if i feel i cannot finish them, so this will most likely only happen in an emergency. ((Please note that PayPal will take tax so you might lose a couple dollars in the process =[ ))

🐾 Slot System 🐾

I have 2 slots available for animation commissions! I will be working on them in the order that they are claimed.
Holds of 2 weeks max are allowed!
Each slot will be put on a 2 week cooldown after being completed, and cannot be claimed until the cooldown is over. This is to ensure that I don't overwork myself, as i am very prone to doing!!
There is also a waitlist of 2 people max! if all slots are claimed, please DM me asking to be put on the WAITLIST instead of asking to commission me!! /nf
If the waitlist is full, please just wait a bit. =]
These are subject to change if i feel they need to be different.
🐱 > Open < 🐱
🐾 > Open < 🐾
πŸ’– Empty πŸ’–
πŸ’– Empty πŸ’–



An example of a simple gif with a blink every loop and ear twitch every 2. Character credit: Me!
A short, looping animation with only some parts of the character moving. Examples: tail wave. Blink, ear twitch, laugh, crying/tears, head bop/slow bounce, ect
I will not be doing shaded or lineless gifs.
Pricing varies-- these start at 15$; an example of something for the lowest price would be a simple blink or a character glancing back and forth (still drawing, only eyes move.)
for a price range I'd say 15 to 30$ for a simple character.
Framerate for these is typically 10 fps! The above example is animated at 10 :]

Lipsync Clip

A video/clip of a still & flatcolored drawing of your character lipsynced to an audio under 1 and a half minutes long. (Time limit is flexible!) may include expression changes, does not include any other movements.
These will usually be halfbodies/busts!
The base price is ~30$ for a 10 second clip, and +5$ for every 5 seconds of audio. This isn't exact pricing! Price of the commission will be decided after i see the character and audio you'd like. It could be a bit more or less. :]

Run/walk cycle

Examples of anthro and feral walkcycles (characters not mine)
I don't have any recent examples of runcycles atm but i'm working on one! =]
A flatcolored or sketch gif animation of a character walking or running, typically a side view. Can be feral or anthro!
I will not be doing walk/run cycles for complex designs.
Starting at 30$ for ferals and 40$ for anthros.

Short PMV

An example of a (VERY ROUGH) single layered sketch PMV.
Disclaimer: i will NOT be doing any commissions in sloppy, badly photographed pencil!! Even sketch comms will at least be digitized.
Other (slightly older) examples:
- rough sketch
- YCH Meme
- Lineless loop meme
- Another loop meme
An animation to an audio under a minute and a half long (audio optional), with tweening or still frames and no frame by frame animation. Lipsync will be done animatic style and preferably kept to a minimum.
Sketch, flatcolor, shading, and lineless are allowed.
For PMVs, I will need at least a rough outline/script, a partial rough storyboard, or some other type of plan. I'm not planning these out for you entirely from scratch, I'm just animating it!
Layered animations/animations with assets will most likely cost more than single layered ones. (Here's a short video that shows the difference with some examples.)
Pricing starts at about 30$ for a very simple and short piece and varies vastly with the animation. Maximum price would be somewhere around 200$.

Short AMV

Other examples:
- Short, sketch
- YCH loop meme
- CW GORE-- Sketchy animatic thing
A mostly frame by frame animation to audio under ~45 seconds. Lipsync is allowed but may add to the cost of the commission!
Pricing starts at about 40$ and the upper part of the range is somewhere around 200$.
Sketch or flatcolor are allowed.
No shaded or lineless animations.
For AMVs, I will need at least a rough outline/script, a partial rough storyboard, or some other type of plan. I'm not planning these out for you entirely from scratch, I'm just animating it!
Keep in mind that i'll be leaning towards the most simple commissions, ESPECIALLY for AMVs!! Frame by frame is very difficult and i can get discouraged easily when working on a difficult amv project so I'm more likely to turn your offer down on amvs than other types of commissions! This is to avoid having to cancel the commission, which would be bad for both of us. =)

πŸ’–πŸΎ - Other - πŸΎπŸ’–

If you'd like something not listed here, just ask!! As long as it doesn't violate the TOS/rules and isn't too complicated, I'll do a lot! I can do things like storyboards, channel outros, animated banners/pfps for social media, and more! However, please keep in mind that (as with normal comms) I might decline your commissions if I'm not up to it at the time or if I simply don't wish to take it =] Especially if it's more of a complex project!
Be sure to check out my still commissions here as well!
Feel free to ask any questions you might have!! I don't bite, and it really boosts my self esteem when people are interested in my work. =) please don't message me about commissioning me without any intention to actually buy though! Thanks ><
Once again, if you don't have the money, sharing my commissions around would be super helpful!! Every bit of exposure is an extra chance for me to get commissioned!
Thank you so much for checking these out!! have a good day! :D

Thanks! <3